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Menopause marks the phase in a woman's life when her menstrual periods cease. During this period, the ovaries halt the release of eggs and the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Menopause typically takes place between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age being around 51.
Women often become curious about menopause when they notice alterations in their menstrual cycle. If you are experiencing menopause, you may observe the following changes:
⦁ Unusual periods (for example, every 5 to 6 weeks instead of every 4)
⦁ Bleeding lasting for fewer days
⦁ Skip one or more periods
⦁ Have hot flashes or depression etc
Some women go through menopause without symptoms. But most have 1 or more of these symptoms: Hot flashes, Night sweats, Sleep problems, vaginal dryness, depression, sadness etc.
If you are 45 years old or older and notice changes in your menstrual periods, there might not be an immediate need to see your doctor. However, it is essential to schedule an appointment if you experience bothersome symptoms. These symptoms may include difficulty sleeping due to night sweats, impaired work performance due to hot flashes, or feelings of sadness and loss of enjoyment in activities. Seeking medical attention can help address these concerns and provide appropriate support and management.

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More information

Is there a test for menopause?

There exists a test that can indicate menopause, but typically, doctors reserve its use for women who are either too young to be experiencing menopause or have specific medical conditions.

Can I still get pregnant?

As long as menstrual periods are still occurring, even if they are infrequent, there remains a possibility of getting pregnant. If avoiding pregnancy is your goal, it is crucial to use some form of birth control when engaging in sexual activity. However, once you have gone an entire year without experiencing a period, it is generally considered safe to assume that you have completed the menopausal transition.

Can I do anything on my own to reduce the symptoms of menopause?

Yes. There are some steps you can try. But ask your doctor before you take any "natural remedies." Some natural remedies might not be safe, especially for women who have a history of breast cancer.

What can I do to protect my bones?

You can:
⦁ Take calcium and vitamin D supplements
⦁ Be active (exercise helps keep bones strong)

Some Facts

If a woman has undergone a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) but retains her ovaries, determining the onset of menopause can be challenging. However, it's important to note that women without a uterus can still experience menopause symptoms. If the ovaries were removed before the typical age of menopause, it is referred to as "surgical menopause," meaning menopause occurred early due to the surgical removal of the ovaries.

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